Monday, November 22, 2010

Teenage Drivers

Your Teen Driver

As a parent, it's up to you to help your teens become safer drivers. Here are some suggestions:

Choosing a vehicle: The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, which crash-tests dozens of vehicles each year, advises parents to choose a midsize vehicle with lots of safety features such as air bags and antilock brakes. Try to choose the newest model your budget will afford since most of today's cars are better designed for crash protection than vehicles even 6 to 10 years old. Before making that final choice on the vehicle your teenager will drive, check out the consumer information on car safety available from the US Dept of Transportation, the Insurance Information Institute, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and, of course, your Insurance agent.

Phase in driving privileges: Graduated licensing programs, now in force in 24 states, phase in privileges such as night-time driving, to allow young drivers to build experience. If you don't live in a graduated licensing state, you can do the job yourself. For example, have your new driver spend at least four months driving with you in the car, then another four months driving alone before you allow him or her to drive friends.

Spell out the rules clearly: Be specific about the time they should be home, when and how many friends they can have in the car, etc. You should always know where your new driver is going.

Spell out the consequences: Your teen needs to understand that if these obligations are not met, there will be consequences, including surrendering the car keys.

Make your driver pay: Another way to encourage mature behavior is to make your child financially responsible for buying and maintaining the vehicle.

Send them to school: It's a good idea to get your teen some supplemental driving instruction, whether it's a one-time safety course or a full-fledged driving school. 

*Be sure to speak with your agent ahead of time about adding a teen driver to your Auto policy and review your Auto Insurance coverage annually.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Daycare Facility Illness Guidelines

Illness Guidelines:
We cannot give your child the attention they need and deserve when they are ill; and it is in everyone’s best interest that a sick child stays home. If your child has any of the symptoms listed below, they will not be permitted to attend daycare until 24 hours after the last incidence of fever, vomiting, severe diarrhea, or until 24 full hours after medical treatment has been prescribed by a physician.
  • Fever of 100 or more without Tylenol or Motrin
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Pinkeye or eye drainage
  • Chickenpox
  • Anything contagious- This policy is to ensure the health and safety of your children and our employees.
  • If your child becomes ill while in our care, we will notify the parents and if necessary ask that they be picked up within a reasonable amount of time.
  • We will require a two week notice (payment required even if they do not attend) if your child will be stopping daycare in our facility.