Thursday, March 31, 2011

Insuring your Vehicle - Factors Effecting the Rate

If you don’t have car insurance, you are exposing yourself to serious financial catastrophe if you get into an accident. Also, if you get pulled over, not having insurance may be an extra point on your record.
Some of the things that affect your insurance rate are:
  • Your age is important. Older drivers tend to be safer more responsible, while younger drivers tend to have more accidents. This is according to statistics, not anybody’s opinion, so don’t take it personally. Obviously, there’s nothing you can do about your age. Just realize that it’s a factor.
  • If you live in a crime ridden neighborhood, where cars are getting stolen all the time, you might have to pay higher rates. If you get an alarm, it might be a bit cheaper.
  • The amount of miles you drive in a month is also a factor. More time out on the road means more chances of getting into an accident. Maybe you could take the bus occasionally or even better yet, ride your bicycle around. You could probably use the exercise.
  • The value of your car also plays a roll. If you are insuring a Mercedes Benz, you’ll pay a little bit more than if you were insuring a Honda Civic that’s got a few dents in it. Of course, it doesn’t make any sense to switch cars just to get cheap insurance, but realize it’s a factor.
  • If you are a safe driver, you don’t have any tickets and you haven’t ever crashed your car, then you can expect to pay much less for your insurance. If, on the other hand, you have several tickets and have totaled a few cars, then your insurance is going to be pretty expensive.
These are the things that have an effect on your insurance rates. If you drive safe, and keep an inexpensive car in the garage every night, then you should be OK.

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